Design Challenge to improve UI Design skills by practising every day. A way to experiment with styles and interactions.
UI Design
Focus on micro-interactions
Prototyping and animation
November 2018
Daily UI is a 100 days challenge where you had to produce a user interface related to a theme. You receive each day a mail with the theme, for example, you had to create a login page or an e-commerce page.
Daily UI Website
I used Sketch App to create interfaces and Principle to animate them. Then I published everything on Dribbble and Instagram to share to the design community and get feedback of what I do. As I started this challenge in November, I am not able to create every day but I am still doing this challenge on my own rhythm.
This challenge allowed me to experiment different visual styles, to pratice and improve my skills. It is also a great way to design without limitation, and explore interactions.
Daily UI #001 - Sign Up Page
Daily UI #009 - Music Player
Daily UI #010 - Social Share
Daily UI #012 - Single Page Product
If you want to see all my Daily UI shots, don't hesitate to check my Dribbble page.
Even though I stopped this challenge, I really like exploring micro-interactions and UI because I think that's what keeps you in the big mobile apps like Instagram, Snapchat or Spotify. For me, these kinds of interactions should not be neglected and are part of the overall experience.